+ Developer Guide Overview

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QuantaStor was designed from the ground up so that you can develop your own applications to remotely manage your storage systems.

Supported Languages

You can use just about any programming language you like to communicate with QuantaStor via our RESTful API. Recommended tools:


Here's are some examples of how to enumerate various objects using the RESTful API and the curl utility:

curl -U admin:password -k
curl -U admin:password -k
curl -U admin:password -k
curl -U admin:password -k
curl -U admin:password -k
curl -U admin:password -k

One quick way to test is to just enter one of these URLs ( into your web browser which will work as long as your system admin account is still using the default password. Pretty much every known language has a curl type library/module for it so the above technique will work everywhere, you just need to get up to speed with your preferred language's curl API mechanism.

Note you can even access APIs using wget which in this example will store the results into a file called hostEnum:

wget --no-check-certificate


The RESTful API has basic support for reflection, meaning that you can learn about all the arguments for a given API just by calling it with the 'help' parameter like so:

curl -k -U admin:password

Calling APIs with Parameters

To call an API with parameters you'll need to add a & between each parameter you specify and a ? between the API name and the start of the parameters like so:

curl -k -U admin:password ""

Which will return JSON output like this (note the quotes so that the ampersand is not interpreted by the shell). Also note that sometimes it can be hard to read the JSON output so we recommend using a JSON Formatter when you're developing your integration code.

      "finishTimeStamp":"1969-12-31 16:00:00",
      "createdTimeStamp":"2012-08-23 21:53:40",
      "description":"Adding host 'mediaserver3' to service with iSCSI initiator IQN 'iqn.1991-05.com.microsoft:osn-mediaserver3'.",
      "modifiedTimeStamp":"1969-12-31 16:00:00",
      "name":"Add Host",
      "startTimeStamp":"2012-08-23 21:53:40",
      "modifiedTimeStamp":"1969-12-31 16:00:00",
      "createdTimeStamp":"2012-08-23 21:53:40",
            "modifiedTimeStamp":"1969-12-31 16:00:00",
            "createdTimeStamp":"2012-08-23 21:53:40",

Async vs. Sync (blocking vs non-blocking) API calls

All of the APIs for QuantaStor that modify the configuration in any way will start a task in the system. If you call any API with the flags parameter set to 0 it'll be treated as a blocking call which wait for the task to complete before returning. If you want to call the function and have it return immediately you can pass a 1 as the flags parameter which indicates to the server that the caller wants this to be an asynchronous non-blocking call. With asynchronous calls you'll get the task object back so that you can use the taskGet API to monitor the progress of the operation. When the task completes it will populate the customId property of the task to contain the ID(s) of the objects which were created/deleted/modified by the task.

Task Monitoring

As indicated above, sometimes you'll want to call an API asynchronously so that you can monitor the progress of the task and/or because you want to queue up multiple operations to run simultaneously. In such cases where you call an API asynchronously (flags=1) you can monitor the progress of the task using the tastGet API or the tastEnum API if you want to see all running tasks. When the task is completed you can check the customId property to see the ID(s) of the objects created/modified.


QuantaStor REST interface always uses SSL via HTTPS. You can change the pem keys on your system by replacing the qstorapi_server.pem file located in /opt/osnexus/quantastor/restsrv/ with your own. If you want to use plain HTTP without SSL you can rename or remove the qstorapi_server.pem and the RESTful service will automatically fall back to using HTTP. After removing the file just restart the RESTful service interface with:

service restsrv restart

If you want to block access to the restful interface you can stop the service and/or you can remove access to port 8153 by removing the entry associated with that port number from the /etc/init.d/iptables configuration file and then restart iptables like so:

service iptables restart

In a similar manner you can block access to the web management interface on port 80/8080.

Supported SOAP / WebServices Implementations

  • gSOAP (C++, all platforms)
  • Apache Axis (Java, all platforms)
  • .NET (C# & Visual Basic, Windows)

API List

The following represents the full API list for every API in QuantaStor. Nothing is left out, if you can do it from the web management interface or the CLI, it's here.


curl -U username:password -k https://hostname:8153/qstorapi/aclAdd?objectId=<id>&ownerType=<int>&ownerId=<id>&accessLevel=<int>&objectType=<int>

curl -U username:password -k https://hostname:8153/userAdd?username=tiger&password=passWORD1&firstName=Tiger&lastName=Woods&role=Administrator

Example Script

Here is an example script in python. To use this example replace the ip address with your QuantaStor boxes ip.

import json
import subprocess

print "I am getting the storage system info..."
#To get the data make an http request (such as a curl call)

proc = subprocess.Popen(["curl", "-k", "-u", "admin:password",
         ""], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

(out, err) = proc.communicate()

print "Here is what the returned data looks like when I get it:"
print str(out)

#call json.loads to turn it into a python dictionary
out = json.loads(out)
print "Here is how to get a single field from the output:"
storageSystemId = out["id"]
print storageSystemId



aclAdd API

Enables access to the specific volume for a specific user.

Argument List

   objectId: <xs:string>
   ownerType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   ownerId: <xs:string>
   accessLevel: <xs:unsignedInt>
   objectType: <xs:unsignedInt>

aclModify API

Modifies the current acl assignment.

Argument List

   objectId: <xs:string>
   ownerType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   ownerId: <xs:string>
   accessLevel: <xs:unsignedInt>
   objectType: <xs:unsignedInt>

aclRemove API

Removes the acl assignment.

Argument List

   ownerId: <xs:string>
   ownerType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   objectId: <xs:string>
   objectType: <xs:unsignedInt>

alertClear API

Deletes the alert with the specified ID.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   id: <xs:string>

alertClearAll API

Clears all the alerts.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

alertConfigGet API

Alert configuration settings indicate where alert notifications should be sent.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

alertConfigSet API

Sets the alert configuration settings such as the administrator email address.

Argument List

   smtpServerIpAddress: <xs:string>
   smtpPassword: <xs:string>
   poolFreeSpaceCriticalAlertThreshold: <xs:unsignedInt>
   poolFreeSpaceAlertThreshold: <xs:unsignedInt>
   poolFreeSpaceWarningThreshold: <xs:unsignedInt>
   senderEmailAddress: <xs:string>
   customerSupportEmailAddress: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   pagerDutyServiceKey: <xs:string>
   smtpUsername: <xs:string>
   smtpAuthType: <xs:unsignedInt>

alertEnum API

Returns a list of all the alerts.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

alertGet API

Gets information about a specific alert.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   id: <xs:string>

alertRaise API

Allows one to raise a user generated alert for testing the SMTP server configuration settings.

Argument List

   message: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   severity: <xs:unsignedInt>

auditLogClear API

Clears the audit log.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

auditLogDisable API

Disables the audit log

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

auditLogEnable API

Enables the audit log.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

auditLogGet API

Get an entry from the audit log.

Argument List

   startDate: <xs:dateTime>
   endDate: <xs:dateTime>
   user: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

cloudBackupScheduleAssocEnum API

List the cloud backup schedule associations.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

cloudBackupScheduleAssocGet API

Get a cloud backup schedule association.

Argument List

   scheduleId: <xs:string>
   storageVolumeId: <xs:string>

cloudBackupScheduleCreate API

Creates a new schedule to automate backups to a cloud backup container.

Argument List

   storageVolumeList: <xs:string[]>
   setEnabled: <xs:unsignedInt>
   name: <xs:string>
   startDate: <xs:dateTime>
   hoursOfDay: <xs:unsignedInt>
   daysOfWeek: <xs:unsignedInt>
   maxBackups: <xs:unsignedInt>
   priority: <xs:unsignedInt>
   cloudContainerId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   description: <xs:string>

cloudBackupScheduleDelete API

Deletes the specified cloud backup schedule.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

cloudBackupScheduleDisable API

Disables a cloud backup schedule so that it does not trigger backups.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

cloudBackupScheduleEnable API

Enables a cloud backup schedule that was previously disabled.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

cloudBackupScheduleEnum API

Lists all the cloud backup schedules in the system.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

cloudBackupScheduleGet API

Gets detailed information about a specific cloud backup schedule.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

cloudBackupScheduleModify API

Modifies the settings for the specified cloud backup schedule.

Argument List

   setEnabled: <xs:unsignedInt>
   description: <xs:string>
   startDate: <xs:dateTime>
   hoursOfDay: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>
   daysOfWeek: <xs:unsignedInt>
   maxBackups: <xs:unsignedInt>
   cloudContainerId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   name: <xs:string>

cloudBackupScheduleVolumeAddRemove API

Add/Remove storage volumes to an existing cloud backup schedule.

Argument List

   storageVolumeList: <xs:string[]>
   modType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

cloudContainerAdd API

Recovers a cloud backup container that was previously removed or used with a prior installation.

Argument List

   storageUrl: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   enableNfs: <xs:boolean>
   credentialsId: <xs:string>
   locationId: <xs:string>
   encryptionKey: <xs:string>

cloudContainerCreate API

Creates a cloud backup container into which cloud backups of storage volumes can be made.

Argument List

   name: <xs:string>
   storageUrl: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   locationId: <xs:string>
   enableNfs: <xs:boolean>
   credentialsId: <xs:string>
   encryptionKey: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>

cloudContainerDelete API

Deletes the specified cloud backup container. WARNING, all data in the container will be destroyed.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   container: <xs:string>

cloudContainerDisable API

Disables access to the specified cloud container without having to remove it.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   container: <xs:string>

cloudContainerEnable API

Enables a cloud container that was previously disabled or was inaccessible due to network connection issues.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   container: <xs:string>

cloudContainerEnum API

Returns a list of cloud backup containers in the system.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

cloudContainerGet API

Retruns detailed information on a specific cloud backup container.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   container: <xs:string>

cloudContainerModify API

Modifies the specified cloud backup container settings.

Argument List

   container: <xs:string>
   name: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   enableNfs: <xs:boolean>
   encryptionKey: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>

cloudContainerRemove API

Removes the specified cloud backup container from the system but does not delete any backup data in the cloud.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   container: <xs:string>

cloudContainerRepair API

Repairs the specificed cloud backup container.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   container: <xs:string>

cloudProviderCredentialsAdd API

Adds cloud provider credentials to enable cloud backup to cloud backup containers.

Argument List

   username: <xs:string>
   machine: <xs:string>
   providerId: <xs:string>
   password: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

cloudProviderCredentialsEnum API

Returns a list of all the cloud provider credentials in the system. Passwords are masked.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

cloudProviderCredentialsGet API

Returns information about the specified cloud provider credential.

Argument List

   credentialId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

cloudProviderCredentialsRemove API

Removes the specified cloud provider credentials

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   credentialsId: <xs:string>

cloudProviderEnum API

Returns the list of supported cloud providers.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

cloudProviderGet API

Returns detailed information about the specified cloud provider.

Argument List

   providerId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

cloudProviderLocationAdd API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   providerId: <xs:string>
   locationTag: <xs:string>

cloudProviderLocationEnum API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

cloudProviderLocationGet API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   locationId: <xs:string>

cloudProviderLocationRemove API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   locationId: <xs:string>

clusterFailoverGroupActivate API

Activate the cluster fail over group.

Argument List

   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   clusterFailoverGroup: <xs:string>

clusterFailoverGroupCreate API

Creates a new management grid. A given storage system can only be a member of one grid at a time.

Argument List

   storageSystemCluster: <xs:string>
   name: <xs:string>
   zoneConfig: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storagePool: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>

clusterFailoverGroupDelete API

Deletes the management grid. After the grid is deleted each node in the grid operates independently again.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   clusterFailoverGroup: <xs:string>

clusterFailoverGroupEnum API

Returns a list of all the managed storage system nodes in the grid.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

clusterFailoverGroupGet API

Get general information about the storage system management grid.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   clusterFailoverGroup: <xs:string>

clusterFailoverGroupModify API

Modify the management grid properties.

Argument List

   description: <xs:string>
   zoneConfig: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   clusterFailoverGroup: <xs:string>
   storagePool: <xs:string>
   name: <xs:string>

echo API

Test method which pings the server with a simple string

Argument List

   inputMessage: <xs:string>

eventEnum API

Returns a list of all the internal events in the event queue (used for service monitoring).

Argument List

   maxEvents: <xs:unsignedInt>
   serviceTimeStamp: <xs:dateTime>
   startingIndex: <xs:unsignedInt>

eventListenerNotify API

Argument List

   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   list: <ns0:event[]>

eventListenerRegister API

Argument List

   eventListenerObj: <ns0:eventListener>

eventListenerUnregister API

Argument List

   listenerId: <xs:string>

fcTargetPortDisable API

Disables the specified fiber channel port.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   port: <xs:string>

fcTargetPortEnable API

Enables the specified fiber channel port.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   port: <xs:string>

fcTargetPortEnum API

Returns a list of all the fiber channel target ports in the system.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

fcTargetPortGet API

Returns information about the specified fiber channel target port.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   port: <xs:string>

getHardwareConfig API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

getLocalizedMessage API

Argument List

   locale: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   i18nStr: <ns0:i18nString>

getSecurityConfig API

Gets the complete security profile for the service.

Argument List

   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

getSystemConfig API

Gets the storage systems configuration.

Argument List

   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hostAdd API

Adds the specified host.

Argument List

   username: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>
   hostname: <xs:string>
   hostType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   iqn: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   password: <xs:string>
   ipAddress: <xs:string>

hostEnum API

Returns a list of all the hosts.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hostGet API

Gets information about a specific host.

Argument List

   host: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hostGroupCreate API

Creates a new host group with the specified name.

Argument List

   hostList: <xs:string[]>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   name: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>

hostGroupDelete API

Removes the specified host group.

Argument List

   host: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   deleteAssociatedHosts: <xs:boolean>

hostGroupEnum API

Returns a list of all the host groups.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hostGroupGet API

Gets information about a specific host group.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   hostGroup: <xs:string>

hostGroupHostAddRemove API

Adds/Removes a host to the specified host group.

Argument List

   hostList: <xs:string[]>
   modType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   hostGroup: <xs:string>

hostGroupModify API

Modifies the properties of a host group such as its name and/or description.

Argument List

   newName: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   newDescription: <xs:string>
   hostGroup: <xs:string>

hostInitiatorAdd API

Adds an additional iSCSI host initiator IQN to the specified host.

Argument List

   host: <xs:string>
   iqn: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hostInitiatorEnum API

Returns a list of all the initiators (IQN) of the specified host.

Argument List

   host: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hostInitiatorGet API

Gets information about a specific host identified by its initiator IQN.

Argument List

   initiator: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hostInitiatorRemove API

Removes a iSCSI host initiator (IQN) from the specified host.

Argument List

   host: <xs:string>
   iqn: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hostModify API

Modifies a host.

Argument List

   newIpAddress: <xs:string>
   newUsername: <xs:string>
   newPassword: <xs:string>
   newHostType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   host: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   newDescription: <xs:string>

hostRemove API

Removes the specified host, *WARNING* host's active iSCSI sessions will be dropped.

Argument List

   host: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwAlarmEnum API

Returns a list of all the current hardware alarms/alert messages generated from the controller.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   hwController: <xs:string>

hwAlarmGet API

Returns information about a specific hardware alarm.

Argument List

   hwAlarm: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwBatteryBackupUnitEnum API

Enumerates the battery backup information for the specified controller.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   hwController: <xs:string>

hwBatteryBackupUnitGet API

Gets the battery backup unit information for the specified battery backup unit.

Argument List

   hwBatteryBackupUnit: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwControllerClearAlarms API

Clears all the hardware alarms that have been recorded for the specified hardware RAID controller.

Argument List

   controllerId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwControllerEnum API

Returns a list of all the hardware controllers.

Argument List

   hwControllerGroup: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwControllerGet API

Returns information about a specific hardware RAID controller.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   hwController: <xs:string>

hwControllerGroupEnum API

Returns a list of all the hardware controller groups.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwControllerGroupGet API

Returns information about all the support hardware RAID controller group types.

Argument List

   hwControllerGroup: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwControllerImportForeignUnits API

Argument List

   controllerId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwControllerRescan API

Rescans the hardware controller to look for new disks and RAID units.

Argument List

   controllerId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwControllerRescanAll API

Rescans all of the hardware controllers to look for new disks and RAID units.

Argument List

   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwControllerSilenceAlarms API

Silences the alarms for specified hardware controller.

Argument List

   controllerId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwDiskEnum API

Returns a list of all the disks managed by the specified hardware controller.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   hwController: <xs:string>

hwDiskGet API

Returns information about a specific disk managed by a hardware RAID controller.

Argument List

   hwDisk: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwDiskIdentify API

Flashes the LED indicator light on the specified disk so that it can be identified in the enclosure chassis.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   durationInSeconds: <xs:unsignedInt>
   diskId: <xs:string>

hwDiskMarkHotSpare API

Marks the specified disk as a universal hot spare within the group of RAID units managed by the controller in which the disk is attached.

Argument List

   clearMark: <xs:boolean>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   diskId: <xs:string>

hwDiskRemove API

Marks the disk as removable (safe way to swap the drives).

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   diskId: <xs:string>

hwEnclosureEnum API

Returns a list of all the enclosures managed by the specified hardware RAID controller.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   hwController: <xs:string>

hwEnclosureGet API

Returns information about a specific enclosure managed by the specified hardware RAID controller.

Argument List

   hwEnclosure: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwLogicalDriveEnum API

Argument List

   hwUnit: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwLogicalDriveGet API

Argument List

   hwLogicalDrive: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwSwitchAdapterEnum API

Returns a list of all the storage switch management adapters.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwSwitchAdapterGet API

Returns information about the specified HW switch management module.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   switchAdapterId: <xs:string>

hwSwitchCredentialsAdd API

Adds storage switch login credentials for a specific switch management adapter.

Argument List

   username: <xs:string>
   domainPassword: <xs:string>
   primaryStorageSystem: <xs:string>
   secondaryStorageSystem: <xs:string>
   switchAdapterId: <xs:string>
   switchType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   managementProtocol: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   password: <xs:string>
   ipAddress: <xs:string>

hwSwitchCredentialsEnum API

Returns a list of all the storage switch login credentials.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   switchAdapterId: <xs:string>

hwSwitchCredentialsGet API

Returns information about pecific storage switch login credentials.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   switchCredentials: <xs:string>

hwSwitchCredentialsModify API

Modifies the switch login credentials.

Argument List

   domainPassword: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   primaryStorageSystem: <xs:string>
   credentialsId: <xs:string>
   secondaryStorageSystem: <xs:string>
   password: <xs:string>

hwSwitchCredentialsRemove API

Removes storage switch login credentials.

Argument List

   credsId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwSwitchEnum API

Returns a list of all the discovered storage switches.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   switchAdapterId: <xs:string>

hwSwitchFailoverGroupActivate API

Activates the pools in a switch failover group on the specified storage system.

Argument List

   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   hwSwitchFailoverGroup: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwSwitchFailoverGroupCreate API

Creates a new switch failover group.

Argument List

   primaryStorageSystemId: <xs:string>
   name: <xs:string>
   secondaryStorageSystemId: <xs:string>
   virtualHostSubnet: <xs:string>
   storagePoolList: <xs:string[]>
   secondaryZonesetId: <xs:string>
   virtualHostIpAddress: <xs:string>
   virtualHostGateway: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   primaryZonesetId: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>

hwSwitchFailoverGroupDelete API

Deletes a failover group.

Argument List

   hwSwitchFailoverGroup: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwSwitchFailoverGroupEnum API

Returns a list of all the switch failover groups.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwSwitchFailoverGroupGet API

Returns information about a specific switch failover group.

Argument List

   hwSwitchFailoverGroupId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwSwitchFailoverGroupModify API

Modifies the properties of a failover group.

Argument List

   primaryStorageSystemId: <xs:string>
   name: <xs:string>
   primaryZonesetId: <xs:string>
   secondaryStorageSystemId: <xs:string>
   virtualHostSubnet: <xs:string>
   storagePoolList: <xs:string[]>
   secondaryZonesetId: <xs:string>
   virtualHostIpAddress: <xs:string>
   virtualHostGateway: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   hwSwitchFailoverGroup: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>

hwSwitchFailoverGroupPoolAssocEnum API

Argument List

   hwSwitchFailoverGroup: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwSwitchFailoverGroupPoolAssocGet API

Argument List

   hwSwitchFailoverGroupId: <xs:string>
   storagePoolId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwSwitchFailoverGroupSetMode API

Argument List

   hwSwitchFailoverGroup: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   failoverMode: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwSwitchFailoverGroupSystemAssocAdd API

Adds another storage system to which the failover group can failover to.

Argument List

   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   zonesetId: <xs:string>
   hwSwitchFailoverGroup: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwSwitchFailoverGroupSystemAssocEnum API

Argument List

   hwSwitchFailoverGroup: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwSwitchFailoverGroupSystemAssocGet API

Argument List

   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   hwSwitchFailoverGroupId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwSwitchFailoverGroupSystemAssocRemove API

Removes a storage system from the failover group.

Argument List

   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   hwSwitchFailoverGroup: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwSwitchGet API

Returns detailed information about a storage switch.

Argument List

   switchId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwSwitchRescan API

Rescans the hardware switch.

Argument List

   switchId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwSwitchZonesetActivate API

Activates a specific storage switch zonset.

Argument List

   zonesetId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   switchCredentialsId: <xs:string>

hwSwitchZonesetEnum API

Returns a list of all the discovered zonesets.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   switchCredentialsId: <xs:string>

hwSwitchZonesetGet API

Returns information about a specific switch zoneset.

Argument List

   switchZoneset: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwUnitCreate API

Creates a new hardware RAID unit using the specified controller.

Argument List

   raidType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   diskList: <xs:string[]>
   controllerId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwUnitDelete API

Deletes the specified RAID unit. Note that you must first delete the Storage Pool before you delete the RAID unit.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   unitId: <xs:string>

hwUnitEnum API

Returns a list of all the disks managed by the specified hardware controller.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   hwController: <xs:string>

hwUnitGet API

Returns information about a specific disk managed by a hardware RAID controller.

Argument List

   hwUnit: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwUnitGrow API

Grows the hardware unit by adding specified disks.

Argument List

   diskList: <xs:string[]>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   stripeSizeKb: <xs:unsignedInt>
   initPriority: <xs:unsignedInt>
   unitId: <xs:string>

hwUnitIdentify API

Flashes the LED indicator light on all the disks in the RAID unit so that it can be identified in the enclosure.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   durationInSeconds: <xs:unsignedInt>
   unitId: <xs:string>

hwUnitSsdCacheCreate API

Argument List

   raidType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   ssdDiskList: <xs:string[]>
   controllerId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

hwUnitSsdCacheDisable API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   unitId: <xs:string>

hwUnitSsdCacheEnable API

Argument List

   unitSsdCacheId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   unitId: <xs:string>

ibTargetPortEnum API

Returns a list of all the infiniband ports in the system.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

ibTargetPortGet API

Returns information about the specified infiniband port.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   port: <xs:string>

libratoMetricsConfigGet API

Get the current username, token, and interval settings for Librato Metrics.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageSystem: <xs:string>

libratoMetricsConfigSet API

Set the username, token, and interval for Librato Metrics posting.

Argument List

   username: <xs:string>
   enableAlertAnnotations: <xs:boolean>
   storageSystem: <xs:string>
   postIntervalSec: <xs:unsignedInt>
   token: <xs:string>
   enableConfigAnnotations: <xs:boolean>
   autoDashboardCreate: <xs:boolean>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

licenseActivate API

Activates the system using a activation key received from customer support.

Argument List

   activationKey: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

licenseActivateOnline API

Requests automatic activation via the online activation service.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   licenseKey: <xs:string>

licenseAdd API

Adds a license key using a license key block.

Argument List

   keyBlock: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageSystem: <xs:string>

licenseEnum API

Returns a list of all the registered license keys.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

licenseGet API

Shows the current license key info, and any activation request code.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   license: <xs:string>

licenseRemove API

Removes the specified license key.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   license: <xs:string>

login API

Argument List

   reserved: <xs:string>

networkShareClientAdd API

Adds a client for the specified network share.

Argument List

   secure: <xs:boolean>
   subtreeCheck: <xs:boolean>
   clientFilter: <xs:string>
   readOnly: <xs:boolean>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   networkShareId: <xs:string>
   customOptions: <xs:string>
   async: <xs:boolean>

networkShareClientEnum API

Returns a list of clients for the specified network share.

Argument List

   networkShare: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

networkShareClientGet API

Returns information about the specific network share client.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   networkShareClientId: <xs:string>
   networkShareId: <xs:string>

networkShareClientModify API

Modifies a client for the specified network share.

Argument List

   secure: <xs:boolean>
   subtreeCheck: <xs:boolean>
   networkShareClientId: <xs:string>
   readOnly: <xs:boolean>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   networkShareId: <xs:string>
   customOptions: <xs:string>
   async: <xs:boolean>

networkShareClientRemove API

Removes a client for the specified network share.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   networkShareClientId: <xs:string>
   networkShareId: <xs:string>

networkShareClone API

Clones the specified network share.

Argument List

   description: <xs:string>
   readOnly: <xs:boolean>
   networkShare: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   cloneName: <xs:string>
   provisionableId: <xs:string>
   isActive: <xs:boolean>

networkShareCreate API

Creates a new NFSv3 network share.

Argument List

   name: <xs:string>
   isPublic: <xs:boolean>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   provisionableId: <xs:string>
   isActive: <xs:boolean>
   description: <xs:string>

networkShareDelete API

Deletes the specified network share.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   networkShareId: <xs:string>

networkShareDisable API

Disables the specified network share.

Argument List

   networkShare: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

networkShareEnable API

Enables the specified network share.

Argument List

   networkShare: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

networkShareEnum API

Returns a list of all the network shares in the system.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

networkShareGet API

Returns information about the specified network share.

Argument List

   networkShare: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

networkShareModify API

Modifies a client for the specified network share.

Argument List

   networkShare: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   name: <xs:string>
   isActive: <xs:boolean>
   description: <xs:string>

networkShareNfsConfig API

Argument List

   nfsMode: <xs:unsignedInt>
   reserved: <xs:string>
   enableKerberos: <xs:boolean>
   storageSystem: <xs:string>
   defaultOptions: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

networkShareRestore API

Restores the network share from a previous snapshot of the share.

Argument List

   snapshotShare: <xs:string>
   networkShare: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

networkShareServicesRestart API

Restarts the network share service.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageSystem: <xs:string>

networkShareSnapshot API

Snapshots the specified network share.

Argument List

   description: <xs:string>
   snapshotName: <xs:string>
   readOnly: <xs:boolean>
   networkShare: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   provisionableId: <xs:string>
   isActive: <xs:boolean>

objectEnum API

Argument List

   propValue: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   propType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   propKey: <xs:string>

objectGet API

Gets the object based on the id provided.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   id: <xs:string>

objectLock API

Locks the specified object.

Argument List

   id: <xs:string>

objectPropertyGet API

Gets the specified property on an object.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   objectId: <xs:string>
   propKey: <xs:string>

objectPropertySet API

Sets the specified property on an object.

Argument List

   propType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   propValue: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   objectId: <xs:string>
   propKey: <xs:string>

objectUnlock API

Unlocks an object.

Argument List

   id: <xs:string>

permissionDefinitionEnum API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

physicalDiskEnum API

Enumerates all physical disks.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   physicalDiskList: <xs:string[]>

physicalDiskGet API

Gets information about a specific physical disk.

Argument List

   physicalDrive: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

physicalDiskIdentify API

Pulses the disk activity light so that the specified disk can be identified in the cassis.

Argument List

   physicalDrive: <xs:string>
   pattern: <xs:string>
   duration: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

physicalDiskPathAssocEnum API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   multipathDiskId: <xs:string>

physicalDiskPathAssocGet API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   multipathDiskId: <xs:string>
   physicalDiskId: <xs:string>

physicalDiskScan API

Scans for any new physical disks that may have been hot-plugged into the storage system.

Argument List

   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

registerSecurityToken API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   token: <xs:string>
   signedToken: <xs:string>

remoteStoragePoolEnum API

Returns a list of all the remote storage pools.

Argument List

   remoteStorageSystemId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

replicaAssocDelete API

Argument List

   deleteReplicaAssocHead: <xs:boolean>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   assocId: <xs:string>
   deleteSourceReplicatable: <xs:boolean>
   deleteTargetReplicatable: <xs:boolean>

replicaAssocEnum API

Argument List

   replicatableId: <xs:string>
   targetsOnly: <xs:boolean>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   sourcesOnly: <xs:boolean>

replicaAssocGet API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   assocId: <xs:string>

replicaAssocUpdate API

Argument List

   assocObj: <ns0:replicaAssoc>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

replicaCreate API

Argument List

   replicaDescription: <xs:string>
   reserved: <xs:string>
   replicationPriority: <xs:unsignedInt>
   targetStoragePoolId: <xs:string>
   forcePrimary: <xs:boolean>
   replicatableId: <xs:string>
   smartSync: <xs:boolean>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   replicaName: <xs:string>
   storageSystemLinkId: <xs:string>

replicaCreateNetworkShareTarget API

Argument List

   replicaDescription: <xs:string>
   sourceShare: <ns0:networkShare>
   reserved: <xs:string>
   replicationPriority: <xs:unsignedInt>
   sourceShareParent: <ns0:networkShare>
   targetStoragePoolId: <xs:string>
   forcePrimary: <xs:boolean>
   smartSync: <xs:boolean>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   replicaName: <xs:string>

replicaCreateVolumeTarget API

Argument List

   replicaDescription: <xs:string>
   reserved: <xs:string>
   replicationPriority: <xs:unsignedInt>
   targetStoragePoolId: <xs:string>
   forcePrimary: <xs:boolean>
   smartSync: <xs:boolean>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   replicaName: <xs:string>
   sourceVolumeParent: <ns0:storageVolume>
   sourceVolume: <ns0:storageVolume>

replicaStop API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   assocId: <xs:string>

replicaSync API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   assocId: <xs:string>

replicationScheduleAddRemove API

Argument List

   storageVolumeList: <xs:string[]>
   networkShareList: <xs:string[]>
   modType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

replicationScheduleAssocEnum API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

replicationScheduleAssocGet API

Argument List

   replicatableId: <xs:string>
   scheduleId: <xs:string>

replicationScheduleCreate API

Argument List

   storageVolumeList: <xs:string[]>
   setEnabled: <xs:unsignedInt>
   name: <xs:string>
   targetProvisionableId: <xs:string>
   startDate: <xs:dateTime>
   targetStorageCloudId: <xs:string>
   storageCloudId: <xs:string>
   daysOfWeek: <xs:unsignedInt>
   priority: <xs:unsignedInt>
   networkShareList: <xs:string[]>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageSystemLinkId: <xs:string>
   hoursOfDay: <xs:unsignedInt>
   maxReplicas: <xs:unsignedInt>
   description: <xs:string>

replicationScheduleDelete API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

replicationScheduleDisable API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

replicationScheduleEnable API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

replicationScheduleEnum API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

replicationScheduleGet API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

replicationScheduleModify API

Argument List

   setEnabled: <xs:unsignedInt>
   description: <xs:string>
   startDate: <xs:dateTime>
   hoursOfDay: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageCloudId: <xs:string>
   daysOfWeek: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   maxReplicas: <xs:unsignedInt>
   name: <xs:string>

roleCreate API

Adds a new role to the role based access control (RBAC) system.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   permissionList: <ns0:permissionAssignment[]>
   inheritsFrom: <xs:string>
   name: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>

roleDelete API

Removes the specified role identified by name or ID.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   role: <xs:string>

roleEnum API

Returns a list of all the defined roles the RBAC system.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

roleGet API

Gets information about the specified role.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   role: <xs:string>

roleModify API

Modifies the name and/or description of a role.

Argument List

   newName: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   role: <xs:string>
   newDescription: <xs:string>

rolePermissionAssignmentEnum API

Lists all of the role permission assignments.

Argument List

   roleId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

rolePermissionAssignmentGet API

Gets the specified role permission assignment.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   operation: <xs:string>
   role: <xs:string>
   objectType: <xs:string>

rolePermissionsAddRemove API

Adds/Removes one or more permissions and/or permission groups from the specified role.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   modType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   role: <xs:string>
   permissionList: <ns0:permissionAssignment[]>

roleSubjectAssocEnum API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   role: <xs:string>

roleSubjectAssocGet API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   role: <xs:string>
   subject: <xs:string>

sessionClose API

Forcably closes the specified iSCSI session; generally not recommended, use acl-remove instead.

Argument List

   sessionId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

sessionEnum API

Returns a list of all the active iSCSI sessions.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   host: <xs:string>
   storageVolume: <xs:string>

sessionGet API

Returns detailed information on a specific iSCSI session.

Argument List

   sessionId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

siteAssocEnum API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

siteAssocGet API

Argument List

   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   siteId: <xs:string>

siteCreate API

Argument List

   storageSystemList: <xs:string[]>
   location: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   name: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>

siteDelete API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   site: <xs:string>

siteEnum API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

siteGet API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   site: <xs:string>

siteModify API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   location: <xs:string>
   siteId: <xs:string>
   name: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>

siteStorageSystemAddRemove API

Argument List

   storageSystemList: <xs:string[]>
   modType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   site: <xs:string>

snapshotScheduleAssocEnum API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

snapshotScheduleAssocGet API

Argument List

   scheduleId: <xs:string>
   storageVolumeId: <xs:string>

snapshotScheduleCreate API

Creates a new snapshot schedule comprised of the specified storage volumes.

Argument List

   storageVolumeList: <xs:string[]>
   setEnabled: <xs:unsignedInt>
   name: <xs:string>
   startDate: <xs:dateTime>
   hoursOfDay: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageCloudId: <xs:string>
   daysOfWeek: <xs:unsignedInt>
   networkShareList: <xs:string[]>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   maxSnapshots: <xs:unsignedInt>
   description: <xs:string>

snapshotScheduleDelete API

Deletes a snapshot schedule, snapshots associated with the schedule are not removed.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

snapshotScheduleDisable API

Disables the specified snapshot schedule.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

snapshotScheduleEnable API

Enables the specified snapshot schedule.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

snapshotScheduleEnum API

Returns a list of all the snapshot schedules.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

snapshotScheduleGet API

Returns information about a specific snapshot schedule.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

snapshotScheduleModify API

Modifies the name, description or other properties of a snapshot schedule.

Argument List

   setEnabled: <xs:unsignedInt>
   description: <xs:string>
   startDate: <xs:dateTime>
   hoursOfDay: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageCloudId: <xs:string>
   daysOfWeek: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   maxSnapshots: <xs:unsignedInt>
   name: <xs:string>

snapshotScheduleVolumeAddRemove API

Adds/Removes one or more volumes to the specified schedule.

Argument List

   storageVolumeList: <xs:string[]>
   networkShareList: <xs:string[]>
   modType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   schedule: <xs:string>

storageCloudCreate API

Creates a new storage cloud compiresed of the specifed users, resources and chap information.

Argument List

   defaultChapPassword: <xs:string>
   tier: <xs:string>
   name: <xs:string>
   parentStorageCloudId: <xs:string>
   userList: <ns0:storageCloudSubjectAssoc[]>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   resourceList: <ns0:storageCloudResourceAssoc[]>
   organization: <xs:string>
   defaultChapUsername: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>

storageCloudDelete API

Deletes a storage cloud, the resources and users will not be deleted.

Argument List

   storageCloud: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageCloudEnum API

Returns a list of all the storage clouds.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageCloudGet API

Returns information of the specified storage clouds.

Argument List

   storageCloud: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageCloudModify API

Modifys the name, description, parent storage cloud, tier, organization, and chap information of a storage cloud.

Argument List

   defaultChapPassword: <xs:string>
   name: <xs:string>
   parentStorageCloudId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   tier: <xs:string>
   organization: <xs:string>
   storageCloud: <xs:string>
   defaultChapUsername: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>

storageCloudResourceAddRemove API

Add/Remove one or more resources to the specified storage cloud.

Argument List

   resourceList: <ns0:storageCloudResourceAssoc[]>
   storageCloud: <xs:string>
   modType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageCloudResourceAssocEnum API

Returns a list of associated resources of the specified storage cloud.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   resource: <xs:string>

storageCloudResourceAssocGet API

Returns associated information of specified resource in the storage cloud.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageCloud: <xs:string>
   resource: <xs:string>

storageCloudResourceSetMode API

Set the mode of a specified resource in the storage cloud.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageCloud: <xs:string>
   resource: <ns0:storageCloudResourceAssoc>

storageCloudSubjectAssocEnum API

Returns a list of associated storage clouds to the specified subject.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   subject: <xs:string>

storageCloudSubjectAssocGet API

Returns associated information of a specified subject in a storager cloud.

Argument List

   storageCloud: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   subject: <xs:string>

storageCloudUserAddRemove API

Add/Remove one or more users to the specified storage cloud.

Argument List

   userList: <ns0:storageCloudSubjectAssoc[]>
   storageCloud: <xs:string>
   modType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storagePoolCreate API

Creates a new storage pool from which storage volumes can be created.

Argument List

   profile: <xs:string>
   physicalDiskList: <xs:string[]>
   name: <xs:string>
   raidType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   poolType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   enableCompression: <xs:boolean>
   noBarriers: <xs:boolean>
   enableSsd: <xs:boolean>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   isDefault: <xs:boolean>
   description: <xs:string>

storagePoolDestroy API

Deletes a storage pool, *WARNING* any data in the pool will be lost.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storagePool: <xs:string>

storagePoolDeviceEnum API

Returns a list of all the storage pool devices.

Argument List

   storagePoolId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storagePoolDeviceGet API

Gets information about a specific storage pool device.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storagePoolDevice: <xs:string>

storagePoolEnum API

Returns a list of all the storage pools.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storagePoolExpand API

Expands a storage pool after the underlying hardware RAID unit has been grown underneath.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storagePool: <xs:string>

storagePoolExport API

Deactivate and removes the storage pool from the storage system database so that it can be exported and used on another system.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storagePool: <xs:string>

storagePoolGet API

Gets information about a specific storage pool.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storagePool: <xs:string>

storagePoolGrow API

Grows the specified storage pool by adding an additional disk. You can only grow storage pools that are using the RAID5 or RAID6 layout.

Argument List

   raidType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   physicalDiskList: <xs:string[]>
   storagePool: <xs:string>

storagePoolIdentify API

Pulses the disk activity lights for all disks in the pool so they can be identified in the chassis.

Argument List

   duration: <xs:unsignedInt>
   pattern: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storagePool: <xs:string>

storagePoolModify API

Modifies the properties of the storage pool such as it's name and decription.

Argument List

   profile: <xs:string>
   newName: <xs:string>
   enableCompression: <xs:boolean>
   isDefault: <xs:boolean>
   storagePool: <xs:string>
   noBarriers: <xs:boolean>
   enableSsd: <xs:boolean>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   newDescription: <xs:string>

storagePoolProfileEnum API

Returns a list of all the storage pool profiles.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storagePoolProfileGet API

Gets information about a specific storage pool profile.

Argument List

   storagePoolProfile: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storagePoolReplicationConfigCreate API

Create a async remote replicaiton link between two storage pools.

Argument List

   primaryStoragePoolId: <xs:string>
   diskBarrier: <xs:boolean>
   protocolType: <xs:string>
   replicationPort: <xs:unsignedInt>
   secondaryStoragePoolId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   resyncRate: <xs:unsignedLong>
   diskFlushes: <xs:boolean>
   storageSystemLinkId: <xs:string>

storagePoolReplicationConfigDelete API

Delete the remote replication link between two storage pools.

Argument List

   scrubMetadataDevice: <xs:boolean>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storagePoolReplicationConfigId: <xs:string>

storagePoolReplicationConfigEnum API

List the remote replication linkes between pools.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storagePoolReplicationConfigGet API

Get info about a specific remote replication link between two pools.

Argument List

   storagePoolReplicationConfig: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storagePoolReplicationConfigModify API

Modify the async remote replication link between pools.

Argument List

   diskBarrier: <xs:boolean>
   protocolType: <xs:string>
   replicationPort: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   resyncRate: <xs:unsignedLong>
   diskFlushes: <xs:boolean>
   storageSystemLinkId: <xs:string>
   storagePoolReplicationConfigId: <xs:string>

storagePoolRescan API

Rescans the specified storage system for storage pools.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageSystem: <xs:string>
   options: <xs:string>

storagePoolSpareAddRemove API

Adds/Removes a dedicated hot-spare to the specified storage pool.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   modType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   physicalDiskList: <xs:string[]>
   storagePool: <xs:string>

storagePoolStart API

Starts up a previously stopped storage pool.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storagePool: <xs:string>

storagePoolStop API

Stops all volume activity to the pool and disables it for maintenance.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storagePool: <xs:string>

storagePoolUpdateRedirect API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storagePool: <xs:string>

storageQuotaCreate API

Creates a new storage quota on a pool for the specified storage cloud.

Argument List

   utilizableSpace: <xs:unsignedLong>
   name: <xs:string>
   maxVolumes: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageCloudId: <xs:string>
   policyFlags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   provisionableSize: <xs:unsignedLong>
   storagePoolId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   maxShares: <xs:unsignedInt>
   description: <xs:string>

storageQuotaDelete API

Deletes a storage quota, the associated volumes are not deleted.

Argument List

   storageQuota: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageQuotaEnum API

Returns a list of all the storage quotas.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageQuotaGet API

Returns information about a specific storage quota.

Argument List

   storageQuota: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageQuotaModify API

Modifies one to change the name and/or description of a storage quota.

Argument List

   utilizableSpace: <xs:unsignedLong>
   name: <xs:string>
   maxVolumes: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageCloudId: <xs:string>
   policyFlags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   provisionableSize: <xs:unsignedLong>
   storageQuota: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   maxShares: <xs:unsignedInt>
   description: <xs:string>

storageQuotaShareAddRemove API

Adds/Removes one or more volumes to the specified quota.

Argument List

   storageQuota: <xs:string>
   modType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageShareList: <xs:string[]>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageQuotaShareAssocEnum API

Returns a list of all the associated quotas of a specified share.

Argument List

   networkShare: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageQuotaShareAssocGet API

Returns information about the associated quotas of a specified share.

Argument List

   storageQuotaId: <xs:string>
   shareId: <xs:string>

storageQuotaVolumeAddRemove API

Adds/Removes one or more volumes to the specified quota.

Argument List

   storageVolumeList: <xs:string[]>
   storageQuota: <xs:string>
   modType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageQuotaVolumeAssocEnum API

Returns a list of all the associated quotas of a specified volume.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageVolume: <xs:string>

storageQuotaVolumeAssocGet API

Return information about the associated quotas of a specified volume.

Argument List

   storageQuotaId: <xs:string>
   storageVolumeId: <xs:string>

storageSystemClusterAssocEnum API

Returns a list of the associated storage system nodes in the grid.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemClusterAssocGet API

Get general information about the associated storage system management grid.

Argument List

   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   storageSystemClusterId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemClusterCreate API

Creates a new management grid. A given storage system can only be a member of one grid at a time.

Argument List

   targetPort: <xs:string>
   name: <xs:string>
   virtualHostIpAddress: <xs:string>
   virtualHostGateway: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   virtualHostSubnetMask: <xs:string>
   virtualHostName: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>

storageSystemClusterDelete API

Deletes the management grid. After the grid is deleted each node in the grid operates independently again.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemClusterEnum API

Returns a list of all the managed storage system nodes in the grid.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemClusterGet API

Get general information about the storage system management grid.

Argument List

   storageSystemCluster: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemClusterModify API

Modify the management grid properties.

Argument List

   targetPort: <xs:string>
   name: <xs:string>
   virtualHostIpAddress: <xs:string>
   virtualHostGateway: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   virtualHostSubnetMask: <xs:string>
   virtualHostName: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>

storageSystemClusterNodeAdd API

Adds the specified storage system to the management grid.

Argument List

   nodeAdminUsername: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   nodeIpAddress: <xs:string>
   nodeAdminPassword: <xs:string>

storageSystemClusterNodeEject API

Ejects the specified storage system from the management grid.

Argument List

   storageSystemClusterObj: <ns0:storageSystemCluster>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemClusterNodeJoin API

Joins the specified storage system to the management grid.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageSystemClusterObj: <ns0:storageSystemCluster>
   masterNode: <ns0:storageSystem>

storageSystemClusterNodeRemove API

Removes the specified storage system from the management grid.

Argument List

   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemClusterNodeSetMaster API

Sets the master node for a storage system.

Argument List

   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemClusterNodeSync API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageSystemClusterObj: <ns0:storageSystemCluster>
   masterNode: <ns0:storageSystem>

storageSystemEnum API

Returns a list of all the managed storage systems. This is always a single system unless the system is a member of a managment grid.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemGet API

Get general information about the storage system.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageSystem: <xs:string>

storageSystemGroupAddRemoveLinks API

Argument List

   linkIdList: <xs:string[]>
   modType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   groupId: <xs:string>

storageSystemGroupAssocEnum API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemGroupAssocGet API

Argument List

   linkId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   groupId: <xs:string>

storageSystemGroupCreate API

Argument List

   groupPassword: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   name: <xs:string>
   virtualIpAddress: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>

storageSystemGroupDelete API

Argument List

   deleteAssociatedLinks: <xs:boolean>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   groupId: <xs:string>

storageSystemGroupEnum API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemGroupGet API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   groupId: <xs:string>

storageSystemGroupModify API

Argument List

   description: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   groupId: <xs:string>
   virtualIpAddress: <xs:string>
   name: <xs:string>

storageSystemGroupSetPassword API

Argument List

   groupPassword: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   groupId: <xs:string>

storageSystemLinkCreate API

Create a new storage system link so that storage volumes may be replicated between storage systems.

Argument List

   linkType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   localIpAddress: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>
   remoteAdminPassword: <xs:string>
   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   remoteIpAddress: <xs:string>
   remoteAdminUser: <xs:string>
   bandwidthLimit: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemLinkDelete API

Delete an existing storage system link.

Argument List

   linkId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemLinkDisconnect API

Disconnect a storage system link.

Argument List

   remoteStorageSystemId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemLinkEnum API

List the existing storage system remote replication links.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemLinkEstablish API

Establishes a storage system remote replication link.

Argument List

   linkObj: <ns0:storageSystemLink>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemLinkGet API

Get information about the storage system link.

Argument List

   linkId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemLinkModify API

Modify the properties of the storage system link.

Argument List

   linkType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   description: <xs:string>
   linkId: <xs:string>
   localIpAddress: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   remoteIpAddress: <xs:string>
   bandwidthLimit: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemLinkRefresh API

Refreshes a storage system link.

Argument List

   linkId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemLinkSetCredentials API

Change the credentials for an existing storage system link.

Argument List

   linkId: <xs:string>
   remoteAdminPassword: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   remoteAdminUser: <xs:string>

storageSystemLinkVerify API

Argument List

   linkObj: <ns0:storageSystemLink>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemModify API

Modifies the name and/or description of the storage system.

Argument List

   searchSuffix: <xs:string>
   newName: <xs:string>
   newLocation: <xs:string>
   storageSystem: <xs:string>
   newDnsServerList: <xs:string[]>
   arpFilterMode: <xs:unsignedInt>
   bondMode: <xs:unsignedInt>
   domainSuffix: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   newDescription: <xs:string>

storageSystemRecover API

Argument List

   recoveryPoint: <xs:string>
   recoverNetworkConfig: <xs:boolean>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageSystem: <xs:string>

storageSystemRecoveryPointEnum API

Returns a list of all the available system metadata recovery points. Recovery points allow you to restore system information such as network, host, users, and other system information from a prior automatic backup.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageSystem: <xs:string>

storageSystemRestart API

Restarts the entire storage system.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageSystem: <xs:string>

storageSystemSendLogs API

Argument List

   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageSystemShutdown API

Shutdown the storage system.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageSystem: <xs:string>

storageSystemUpdateCheck API

Checks for updates for specified storage system.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageSystem: <xs:string>

storageSystemUpgrade API

Upgrade to the latest version of the core packages.

Argument List

   upgradeTarget: <xs:boolean>
   upgradeService: <xs:boolean>
   storageSystem: <xs:string>
   upgradeWebServer: <xs:boolean>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   upgradeManager: <xs:boolean>

storageVolumeAclAddRemove API

Enables/Disables access to the specific volume from the specified host. (List of hosts for specified volume)

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   hostList: <xs:string[]>
   modType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageVolume: <xs:string>

storageVolumeAclAddRemoveEx API

Enables access to the specific volume from the specified host. (List of volumes for specified host)

Argument List

   storageVolumeList: <xs:string[]>
   host: <xs:string>
   modType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageVolumeAclEnum API

Returns a list of all the volume to host assignments, optionally filtered by host or storage volume.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   host: <xs:string>
   storageVolume: <xs:string>

storageVolumeAclGet API

Gets the assignment information for specified host or storage volume.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   host: <xs:string>
   storageVolume: <xs:string>

storageVolumeClone API

Creates a complete block copy of the source volume.

Argument List

   storageVolume: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>
   accessMode: <xs:unsignedInt>
   cloneName: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   provisionableId: <xs:string>

storageVolumeCloudBackupCreate API

Argument List

   reserved: <xs:string>
   sourceVolumeId: <xs:string>
   priority: <xs:unsignedInt>
   backupVolumeName: <xs:string>
   cloudContainerId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   backupVolumeDescription: <xs:string>

storageVolumeCloudBackupRestore API

Argument List

   reserved: <xs:string>
   recoveredVolumeName: <xs:string>
   sourceVolumeId: <xs:string>
   priority: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storagePoolId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   recoveredVolumeDescription: <xs:string>

storageVolumeCreate API

Creates a new storage volume in the specified storage pool.

Argument List

   chapPolicy: <xs:unsignedInt>
   count: <xs:unsignedInt>
   name: <xs:string>
   accessMode: <xs:unsignedInt>
   description: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   thinProvisioned: <xs:boolean>
   chapPassword: <xs:string>
   provisionableId: <xs:string>
   chapUsername: <xs:string>
   size: <xs:unsignedLong>

storageVolumeCreateEx API

Argument List

   count: <xs:unsignedInt>
   name: <xs:string>
   accessMode: <xs:unsignedInt>
   description: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   percentReserved: <xs:unsignedInt>
   chapPolicy: <xs:unsignedInt>
   chapPassword: <xs:string>
   provisionableId: <xs:string>
   chapUsername: <xs:string>
   size: <xs:unsignedLong>

storageVolumeDelete API

Deletes a storage volume, *WARNING* any data in the volume will be lost.

Argument List

   storageVolumeList: <xs:string[]>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   recursivelyDeleteSnapshots: <xs:boolean>

storageVolumeEnum API

Returns a list of all the storage volumes.

Argument List

   storageVolumeList: <xs:string[]>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageVolumeGet API

Returns information about a specific storage volume.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageVolume: <xs:string>

storageVolumeGroupAssocEnum API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageVolume: <xs:string>

storageVolumeGroupAssocGet API

Argument List

   storageVolumeGroupId: <xs:string>
   storageVolumeId: <xs:string>

storageVolumeGroupClone API

Creates a complete block by block copy of all volumes in the group.

Argument List

   storageVolumeGroup: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>
   accessMode: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   cloneNamePrefix: <xs:string>
   provisionableId: <xs:string>

storageVolumeGroupCreate API

Creates a new storage volume group comprised of the specified storage volumes.

Argument List

   storageVolumeList: <xs:string[]>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   name: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>

storageVolumeGroupDelete API

Deletes a storage volume group, the volumes are not deleted unless the delete-volumes flag is set.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageVolumeGroup: <xs:string>
   deleteAssociatedVolumes: <xs:boolean>

storageVolumeGroupEnum API

Returns a list of all the storage volume groups.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageVolumeGroupGet API

Returns information about a specific storage volume group.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageVolumeGroup: <xs:string>

storageVolumeGroupModify API

Modifies the name and/or description of a storage volume group.

Argument List

   newName: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageVolumeGroup: <xs:string>
   newDescription: <xs:string>

storageVolumeGroupSnapshot API

Creates a space efficient copy of all volumes in the group.

Argument List

   count: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageVolumeGroup: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>
   accessMode: <xs:unsignedInt>
   snapshotNamePrefix: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   provisionableId: <xs:string>

storageVolumeGroupVolumeAddRemove API

Adds/Removes one or more volumes to the specified volume group.

Argument List

   storageVolumeList: <xs:string[]>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   modType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageVolumeGroup: <xs:string>

storageVolumeModify API

Modifies a the name, description or other properties of the storage volume.

Argument List

   storageVolume: <xs:string>
   newName: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   newAccessMode: <xs:unsignedInt>
   chapUsername: <xs:string>
   chapPolicy: <xs:unsignedInt>
   chapPassword: <xs:string>
   clearSnapshotFlag: <xs:boolean>
   newDescription: <xs:string>

storageVolumeResize API

Resizes a storage volume to make it larger, volumes cannot be reduced in size.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   newSizeInBytes: <xs:unsignedLong>
   storageVolume: <xs:string>
   provisionableId: <xs:string>

storageVolumeRestore API

Restores a storage volume to a previous point in time using a snapshot.

Argument List

   snapshotVolume: <xs:string>
   storageVolume: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageVolumeSnapshot API

Creates a space efficient copy of the source volume.

Argument List

   count: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageVolume: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>
   accessMode: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   snapshotName: <xs:string>
   provisionableId: <xs:string>

storageVolumeUtilizationEnum API

Returns volume utilization information for a specific storage volume or all storage volumes if no volume is specified.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageVolume: <xs:string>

storageVolumeUtilizationGet API

Returns a specific volume utilization metrics for a single volume and specific date.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   utilizationId: <xs:string>

storageVolumeUtilizationGetRetentionPeriod API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

storageVolumeUtilizationSetRetentionPeriod API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   daysToRetain: <xs:unsignedInt>

targetPortDisable API

Disables the specified target port.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   port: <xs:string>

targetPortEnable API

Enables the specified target port.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   port: <xs:string>

targetPortEnum API

Returns a list of all the target ports in the system.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

targetPortGet API

Returns information about the specified target port.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   port: <xs:string>

targetPortModify API

Modifies target port settings including IP address, gateway, mtu, etc.

Argument List

   description: <xs:string>
   iscsiEnabled: <xs:boolean>
   mtu: <xs:unsignedInt>
   configType: <xs:string>
   netmask: <xs:string>
   vportFloatList: <xs:string[]>
   gateway: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   ipAddress: <xs:string>
   port: <xs:string>

targetPortRescan API

Discovers new target ports and/or any manual modifiations made to the configuration of the target ports.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageSystem: <xs:string>

targetPortRestart API

Restarts the specified target port.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   port: <xs:string>

targetVirtualInterfaceCreate API

Creates a new virtual network interface which is linked to a physical network port.

Argument List

   macAddress: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>
   portList: <xs:string[]>
   parentPortId: <xs:string>
   mtu: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   netmask: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   ipAddress: <xs:string>
   gateway: <xs:string>

targetVirtualInterfaceMove API

Moves the specified virtual network interface to a different physical network port.

Argument List

   targetPortId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   virtualInterfaceId: <xs:string>

targetVirtualPortCreate API

Argument List

   macAddress: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>
   portList: <xs:string[]>
   mtu: <xs:unsignedInt>
   storageSystemId: <xs:string>
   netmask: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   ipAddress: <xs:string>
   gateway: <xs:string>

targetVirtualPortDelete API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   port: <xs:string>

taskCancel API

Cancels the specified task that is in the queue or is running.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   id: <xs:string>

taskClearAll API

Clears all the completed and/or failed tasks.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

taskEnum API

Returns a list of all the tasks including active, completed, and failed tasks.

Argument List

   taskIdlist: <xs:string[]>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

taskGet API

Returns information about the specified task.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   id: <xs:string>

userAdd API

Adds a new user to the system. User accounts can access QuantaStor via the web management interface, remote scripting and via the qstorapi RESTful API.

Argument List

   username: <xs:string>
   defaultChapPassword: <xs:string>
   alertSubscriptions: <xs:unsignedInt>
   description: <xs:string>
   firstName: <xs:string>
   lastName: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   emailAddress: <xs:string>
   role: <xs:string>
   password: <xs:string>
   defaultChapUsername: <xs:string>

userEnum API

Returns a list of all the users.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

userGet API

Gets information about the specified user.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   user: <xs:string>

userGroupAssocEnum API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   user: <xs:string>

userGroupAssocGet API

Argument List

   userId: <xs:string>
   userGroupId: <xs:string>

userGroupCreate API

Creates a new storage user group comprised of the specified storage users.

Argument List

   userList: <xs:string[]>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   name: <xs:string>
   description: <xs:string>

userGroupDelete API

Deletes a storage user group, the users are not deleted unless the delete-users flag is set.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   userGroup: <xs:string>

userGroupEnum API

Returns a list of all the storage user groups.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

userGroupGet API

Returns information about a specific storage user group.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   userGroup: <xs:string>

userGroupModify API

Modifies the name and/or description of a storage user group.

Argument List

   newName: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   newDescription: <xs:string>
   userGroup: <xs:string>

userGroupUserAddRemove API

Adds/Removes one or more users to the specified user group.

Argument List

   userList: <xs:string[]>
   modType: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   userGroup: <xs:string>

userModify API

Modifies the name and/or description of a storage user group.

Argument List

   newFirstName: <xs:string>
   newDefaultChapPassword: <xs:string>
   newName: <xs:string>
   alertSubscriptions: <xs:unsignedInt>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   user: <xs:string>
   newDefaultChapUsername: <xs:string>
   newLastName: <xs:string>
   newEmailAddress: <xs:string>
   newDescription: <xs:string>
   newRole: <xs:string>

userPasswordSet API

Sets a new password for specified user.

Argument List

   newPassword: <xs:string>
   oldPassword: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   user: <xs:string>

userRemove API

Removes specified user.

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   user: <xs:string>

virtualInterfaceAssocEnum API

Argument List

   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>

virtualInterfaceAssocGet API

Argument List

   targetPortId: <xs:string>
   flags: <xs:unsignedInt>
   virtualInterfaceId: <xs:string>