Chronograf Integration

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How to Install Chronograf for Performance Monitoring

  1. Go to the Chronograf download page:
  2. Click the version button under the Chronograf section (for example, "v1.7.12" button) and navigate to the "Unbuntu & Debian" install section.
  3. Follow the instructions in the "Unbuntu & Debian" install section on the desired QuantaStor system.
    For example,
    sudo dpkg -i chronograf_1.7.12_amd64.deb
  4. Record the InfluxDB "username" and "password" for the QuantaStor system by executing: cat /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
    Your will see the InfluxDB credentials in the telegraf.conf file.
  5. Launch Chronograf in Chrome: http://ip-address-of-where-you-installed-chronograf:8888
    For example,
  6. Enter the InfluxDB credentials you recorded when prompted.

To see a system context diagram of Telegraf+InfluxDB+Chronograf please see:

You are now ready to create a custom QuantaStor dashboard using Chronograf!

How to Create a Chronograf Custom Dashboard

  1. Launch Chronograf in Chrome: http://ip-address-of-where-you-installed-chronograf:8888
  2. Enter the InfluxDB credentials you recorded when prompted.
  3. Click the Dashboards Menu/Icon
  4. Click "+ Create Dashboard" button
  5. Name your dashboard by typing over the "Name This Dashboard" text
  6. Click "+ Add Data" or "+ Add Cell" button"
  7. Click quantastor.quantastor
  8. Select what you want to monitor in "ceph" and title your graph by replacing the "Untitled Graph" text
    For example, title your graph using the names of the fields you select for monitoring.
  9. Click the ""Visualization"" button to change chart types
  10. Change sample time in the dropdown combo in upper RHS. e.g. Change "Past 5m" to "Past 24h"

For additional information, see:

Chronograf JSON Details

  1. Get and Post Chronograf Dashboards Examples:
  2. Chronograf API: