Security Updates

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QuantaStor ISO images uses Ubuntu Server LTS Linux distributions as an OS basis but RHEL based installation options with RHEL/RockyLinux/AlmaLinux are available for specialized environments. QuantaStor has monthly updates to include security patches to the underlying operating system to ensure the security and stability of the system.

The QuantaStor Security Notice (QSN) server processes published Linux CVE and indicates which ones affect packages used by QuantaStor. OSNexus recommends running an upgrade via the 'Upgrade Manager' on a monthly or quarterly basis to keep current with the latest security patches which address the issues noted in QSNs.

QuantaStor Security Notifications

On this page we maintain a summary of all the product changes made to QuantaStor which are security related and we post specific notices about Linux security issues that effect packages distributed with QuantaStor such as the openssl libraries.

For details on the all the latest security notifications for the Ubuntu LTS release used by QuantaStor please see (

We recommend that system administrators perform periodic auditing of their systems and install any and all security updates by using the QuantaStor 'Upgrade Manager' via the QuantaStor web management interface or script this using the QuantaStor CLI or API. This will automatically apply the latest updates and security updates. Our package servers are updated with the latest security updates at least once per month as part of standard maintenance updates. To see more detail on when the most recent product update was published please see our product change log.