R1Soft Backup Integration

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The R1Soft web site has great documentation on how to install their backup agent on Ubuntu here. The QuantaStor OS is built on top of Ubuntu Server LTS releases and is compatible with the packages available from R1Soft.

Please note that the r1soft backup solution does not currently support ZFS Storage Pools. R1soft is recommended for customers who are using XFS Storage pools.

Please review the r1soft Backup agent for Linux System requirements at the link below for more details on their supported filesystems:


Here's a summary of the commands to run to install the agent on a QuantaStor System:

sudo -i
wget http://repo.r1soft.com/r1soft.asc
apt-key add r1soft.asc
apt-get update
apt-get install serverbackup-enterprise-agent

Note also that R1Soft doesn't have a kernel module for QuantaStor so you'll need to build it using this command:

sudo -i
/usr/bin/serverbackup-setup --get-module

You should see output like this:

Checking if module needs updated
Checking for binary module
Waiting                       /
No binary module found
Gathering kernel information

Gathering kernel information complete.
Creating kernel headers package
Checking '/tmp/r1soft-cki.1440699732' for kernel headers
Found headers in '/tmp/r1soft-cki.1440699732'
uploading kernel package                                                                 99%   13MB   1.8MB/s   00:00 ETA
Starting module build...
Saving kernel module to '/lib/modules/r1soft/hcpdriver-cki-3.13.0-39-quantastor.ko'
Kernel module is now installed.
Use '/etc/init.d/cdp-agent restart' to load the new driver

11:24[3.16.0-8591]root@smu316a:~$ /etc/init.d/cdp-agent restart
Waiting for cdp-agent to stop, this can take up to 300 seconds...
/etc/init.d/cdp-agent stop: cdp agent stopped
/etc/init.d/cdp-agent start: cdp started