Clustered HA SAN/NAS Solutions using ZFS

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OS Nexus provides two separate Administration Guides for the Clustered High Availability solution provided by QuantaStor based on the intended deployment/use-case scenario. These deployment methods are differentiated by the use of shared storage provisioning via iSCSI or Fiber-Channel (Using QuantaStor or 3rd Party SAN) or the use of shared SAS JBODS between Cluster Nodes.

Solution Diagrams:

Clustered HA SAN/NAS with JBOD back-end / Administrators Guide (ZFS-based)

Please refer to the Clustered HA with JBOD back-end Administrators Guide if you will be using a shared SAS JBOD solution for your High-Availability Deployment.

Clustered HA SAN/NAS with iSCSI/FC SAN back-end / Administrators Guide (ZFS-based)

Please refer to the Clustered HA with iSCSI/FC back-end Administrators Guide if you will be using an iSCSI or Fibre-Channel solution for your High-Availability Deployment.