Docker Volume Plugin Integration

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Revision as of 13:59, 29 May 2019 by Qadmin (Talk | contribs)

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Coming soon (June 2019), please contact for early access to the QuantaStor Docker Volume Plugin.

Docker Volume Plugin for Quantastor provides integration for Docker containers and Quantastor Volumes.

Platform and Software Dependencies

Operating Systems Supported

Ubuntu (Xenial 16.04 LTS, Bionic 18.04 LTS)

Environments Supported

Docker (18.09.2 and above)

Other software dependencies

Latest iSCSI initiator software (open-iscsi). Required for iSCSI connectivity to Quantastor Volumes.

Installation instructions

Create a directory "/plugin" Create a config file /plugin/qsdvp/conf/qs-config.json The config file looks like this

         "qsHostIp": "10.0.xx.xx",
         "qsHostUsername": "admin",
         "qsHostPass": "xxxx",
         "fsType": "ext4",
         "logFileLocation": "/plugin/qsdvp/log/qsdocker.log"

docker plugin install osnexus/volumeplugin config=/plugin/qsdvp/conf/qs-config.json --grant-all-permissions