Storage Pool HA Failover Group Delete

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Delete the Failover Group will delete the Virtual Interfaces and disables Failover.

In QuantaStor, the "Delete High-Availability Group" feature is used to remove a high-availability configuration that has been set up for a storage pool.

A high-availability group is a collection of storage devices that work together to provide redundancy and fault tolerance for the data stored within a storage pool. This configuration typically includes multiple physical devices, such as hard drives or solid-state drives, that replicate data to ensure its availability in case of hardware failures or other disruptions.

The purpose of the "Delete High-Availability Group" function is to remove this redundant configuration and return the storage pool to a non-high-availability state. This may be necessary when you want to reconfigure your storage environment, change the high-availability setup, or decommission a high-availability group altogether.

When you delete a high-availability group in QuantaStor, it typically involves removing the replication relationships between the devices, stopping data synchronization processes, and releasing the resources associated with the high-availability configuration. It is important to exercise caution when deleting a high-availability group, as it can lead to data loss if not done correctly or if there is no alternative redundancy mechanism in place.

Before deleting a high-availability group, it is recommended to ensure that you have appropriate backups of your data and consider any implications or dependencies associated with the removal of the high-availability configuration.

Note: The pools will remain, however there is no HA protection.

Navigation: Storage Management --> Storage Pools --> Storage Pool HA Resource Group --> Delete Group (toolbar)

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