Storage Pool HA Failover Group Execute

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Execute High-Availability (HA) Pool Failover.

In the context of QuantaStor, the "Execute High-Availability (HA) Pool Failover" feature serves a critical purpose in managing and ensuring the availability and reliability of storage resources. High-availability pools are designed to maintain data accessibility and minimize downtime, even in the event of hardware failures or other issues. The specific purpose of executing a high-availability pool failover in QuantaStor includes:

  • Redundancy and Fault Tolerance: High-availability pools are configured to ensure redundancy and fault tolerance. If a node within the high-availability pool encounters a failure, such as hardware issues or network problems, initiating a failover ensures that the workload and data previously handled by the failed node are shifted to another healthy node within the pool.
  • Continuity of Service: Executing a failover is a means to maintain continuous access to storage resources for users or applications. By automatically or manually switching the workload to a standby or backup node, the failover process ensures that the services remain available despite a failure.
  • Automatic or Manual Transition: QuantaStor might support both automatic and manual failover modes. Automatic failover instantly switches operations to the redundant node without human intervention, whereas manual failover allows administrators to control when the switch occurs, potentially after investigating the cause of the issue.
  • Minimizing Downtime: The primary objective of the failover process is to minimize downtime. When a failover is executed promptly and efficiently, it reduces the impact of the failure on ongoing operations, preventing or reducing service disruptions.
  • Redirection of Workload: During a failover, the system redirects and balances the workload to the operational nodes in the high-availability pool. This ensures that data access and storage operations continue without interruption, albeit on alternative nodes.
  • Data Integrity and Recovery: Failover procedures in high-availability configurations are typically designed to maintain data integrity and facilitate recovery. These processes help in ensuring that no data is lost or corrupted during the failover event.
  • Monitoring and Alerting: High-availability failovers are often accompanied by monitoring and alert systems. They track the health of nodes and automatically trigger failovers when predetermined thresholds or failure events are detected.

It's crucial to plan and configure high-availability setups in advance to ensure they function as intended when needed. Understanding how to execute a failover, the impact it might have on services, and how to restore the original state after addressing the issue is essential for administrators managing QuantaStor environments.

Navigation: Storage Management --> Storage Pools --> Storage Pool HA Resource Group --> Manual Failover (toolbar)

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