User Add

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Add Users to the storage system.

In QuantaStor, the "Add User" feature allows administrators to create user accounts and manage user access within the storage environment. Adding users provides individuals with authentication credentials and defines their access permissions, enabling them to interact with and manage the QuantaStor storage system.

The purpose of the Add User feature in QuantaStor includes:

  • User Authentication: By adding users, administrators can establish individual user accounts with unique login credentials. This allows users to authenticate themselves and gain access to the QuantaStor storage system, ensuring secure and controlled access.
  • Access Control: The Add User feature enables administrators to define access permissions for each user. Access control can be granular, allowing administrators to specify which resources (e.g., storage volumes, shares, file systems) a user can access and what operations they can perform (e.g., read, write, delete). This ensures that users have appropriate access rights based on their roles and responsibilities.
  • User Management: Adding users provides administrators with the ability to manage user accounts within the QuantaStor storage system. This includes tasks such as creating, modifying, or deleting user accounts, resetting passwords, and monitoring user activity. User management helps ensure the security and accountability of storage system access.
  • Role-based Access Control: QuantaStor supports role-based access control (RBAC), where users can be assigned specific roles that define their access privileges. The Add User feature allows administrators to assign users to predefined roles or create custom roles, streamlining access management and ensuring consistent access permissions across multiple users.
  • Auditing and Compliance: Adding users facilitates auditing and compliance efforts. Each user's actions and operations within the storage system can be logged, providing a trail of activities for security audits or compliance requirements. This helps maintain a record of user activity and supports accountability and regulatory compliance.
  • Integration with Directory Services: QuantaStor can integrate with external directory services, such as Active Directory or LDAP, for user authentication and management. The Add User feature allows administrators to synchronize user accounts between QuantaStor and the directory service, simplifying user management and ensuring consistency across systems.
  • User-based Reporting and Monitoring: The Add User feature enables administrators to assign users to specific reports or monitoring tasks within QuantaStor. This allows users to access relevant reports, metrics, or monitoring dashboards based on their roles and responsibilities, providing targeted visibility into storage system performance and health.

Overall, the purpose of the Add User feature in QuantaStor is to establish user accounts, define access permissions, facilitate user management, enforce access control, support auditing and compliance, integrate with directory services, and enable user-based reporting and monitoring within the QuantaStor storage environment.

Navigation: Security --> Management Users --> User --> Add (toolbar)

User Name

Names must be text or numeric with no spaces or special characters.


The password must be between 8 and 34 characters.


Roles can be customized using, Role Creation.

Alert Subscriptions

Set alerts to be emailed.

Email Address

Provide an email address to receive storage appliance alerts. Generally speaking you will only want administrative users to receive alerts from the appliances as end-users would be confused or possibly alarmed by an email requesting storage administrative action like replacing a disk. Choose the Subscription level of the mailed Alerts to filter out informational or warning messages that may be unnecessary for you needs.

Web Interface Customization

Enable Web interface and storage management.

Web interface tab and section visibility is a convenience feature and is separate from RBAC/authorization security enforcement. Authorization is controlled by each user's assigned Role. Roles must be created or modified to limit user access to operations.

Role-based access control (RBAC) is a method of restricting network access based on the roles of individual users within an enterprise. RBAC lets employees have access rights only to the information they need to do their jobs and prevents them from accessing information that doesn't pertain to them.

Advanced Settings

Create a Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol, CHAP.

Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) is an authentication scheme used by Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) servers to validate the identity of remote clients.

If you provide CHAP settings for a given user account then all storage volumes allocated by that user will have these CHAP credentials automatically associated with them. You can adjust the storage volume CHAP settings in the Advanced Settings tab of the Create Storage Volume dialog, Create a Storage Volume, or in the Advanced Settings tab of the Modify Storage Volume dialog, Modify a Storage Volume.

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