Template:SetupStep NTP
Network Time Protocol (NTP) Configuration

NTP is a system to make sure that the clock on computers is accurate. It is particularly important in Ceph cluster deployments that the clock be accurate. When the clocks on two or more systems are not synchronized it is called clock skew. Clock skew can happen for a few different reasons, most commonly:
- NTP server setting is not configured on one or more systems (use the Modify Storage System dialog to configure)
- NTP server is not accessible due to firewall configure issues
- No secondary NTP server is specified so the outage of the primary is leading to skew issues
- NTP servers are offline
- Network configuration problem is blocking access to the NTP servers
Ensure NTP servers are configured for each System by right clicking on the System under the Storage System drawer and select Modify Storage System... and examine that you have valid NTP servers configured.
- Note that QuantaStor retains the Ubuntu default NTP servers, but this may need to be adjusted based on accessibility restrictions of the Ceph cluster's network.
Alternatively, you can set all systems on a grid to the same time zone. Right click on the grid and select Modify Grid Time Zone Settings. This will bring up a menu with all of the systems pre-selected, and you can change the time zone. You can also set them to all have the same Domain Suffix. This is also where you can set the NTP Server for the entire grid.