Ceph Object Storage

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QuantaStor's Cloud Containers feature enables one to setup a NAS Gateway to custom Ceph Object Storage buckets.

Overview Configuration Steps

  • Get the user credentials from a Ceph setup configured/managed by Quantastor. This can be done through the QS cli or the Quantastor Web UI.
 qs ceph-user-access-entry-list --ceph-cluster=<cephClusterName> --verbose

Crt S3 Usr - Web.jpg

Double-click on the Access key and Secret key to reveal the values in clear-text.

  • To get the access key and secret from a Ceph setup not managed by Quantastor, use the native radosgw commands.
 radosgw-admin --cluster=<cephClusterName> user info  --uid=<userName> --tenant=<tenantName>

Add provider credentials within QuantaStor

Navigation: Cloud Integration --> Cloud Storage Containers --> Cloud Storage Provider --> Add Provider (toolbar)

  • In the Cloud Provider tab, right click to select "Add Provider".
  • Change the end-point to the Ceph Object Store.
  • Add the Access Key and Secret Access to the Ceph Object Store.


  • Select "Ceph" in the "Cloud Storage Providers". The location of the selected end point should be displayed.


Create/Add Cloud Container(s)

Now navigate to the Cloud Containers tab and then Import or Create a new Cloud Container using the Softlayer S3 credentials you entered before. Note that after you create a new container you will find a Network Share listed in the main Storage Management -> Network Shares section which represents the container and makes it accessible via NFS and SMB.