Ceph Object Zone Delete

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Delete the Ceph object zone Group. The Force option will suspend all connections and delete.

In QuantaStor, the "Delete Object Storage Pool" operation is used to remove an existing object storage pool from the storage environment. Object storage is a type of data storage architecture that organizes and manages data as discrete objects, each with its unique identifier, metadata, and data.

Deletes the Ceph object zone Group. The Force option will suspend all connections and delete.

The purpose of the "Delete Object Storage Pool" operation is to permanently delete an object storage pool and all associated objects stored within it. This operation is typically used when you want to remove a specific object storage pool from your QuantaStor system.

When you initiate the deletion of an object storage pool, QuantaStor will perform the necessary actions to remove all the data and metadata associated with the pool. This includes deleting all objects stored within the pool, freeing up the storage capacity they occupied.

It's important to note that deleting an object storage pool is an irreversible action, and all data within the pool will be permanently lost. Therefore, it's crucial to exercise caution and ensure that you have appropriate backups or data migration strategies in place before proceeding with this operation.

Navigation: Scale-out Storage Configuration --> Scale-out Storage Pools --> Object Storage --> Delete Object Pool Group (toolbar)

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