How Customers Use QuantaStor
Storage Grids
Grids link storage appliances together within and across data centers to simplify storage management. Web-based management, REST API, and CLI based management of a given storage grid is accessible from every appliance, no additional software required.
Remote Replication
Replicate file and block storage from any appliance to any appliance within a storage grid efficiently and securely with compression and AES256 bit encrypted data on-the-wire. Replication schedules are set up in just a few clicks and asynchronously send changes automatically for easy DR failover.
Backup Policies
Backup Policies make it easy to automate backups to or from any NFS/SMB accessible export or QuantaStor appliance in your cloud environment. Backup Policies also have an Automated Storage Tiering mode that automates the movement of files based on age. This is especially helpful for automatic movement of files based on age from expensive storage tiers to lower cost archive storage.