Network Share Create

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A network share or NAS share is a folder in a storage pool which is accessible via the NFS and CIFS protocols. By default new shares are accessible via NFS but to add CIFS access you must check the box indicating 'Enable CIFS/SMB Access'. Once selected there are some advanced settings for CIFS access that can be configured. The Storage Pool box indicates the storage pool in which the new share will be created and the detail shows how much space is left in the storage pool.

Navigation: Storage Management --> Network Shares --> Network Share --> Create (toolbar)


Create Network Share - General.jpg

Enter a name for the network share and select a storage pool for it to reside in.


Network Share User.

Click search to add AD Users/Groups. Remove AD Users/Groups by setting access mode to None.

File Masks

Network Share File Masks.

Set the Directory and File Permissions Mask.

Advanced Settings

Network Shares File Masks.

This dialog tab will allow you to set the share data settings, CIFS/SMB Configuration Options, and CIFS/SMB Advanced Options.

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