+ IBM Cloud Overview
index.php?title=Category:Ibm guide QuantaStor is available on IBM Cloud Bare Metal servers and as a IBM Virtual Storage Array. For licensing inquiries and deployment assistance please contact sales@osnexus.com.
QuantaStor Server Deployment Guide
The following guide provides step-by-step guidance for the selection, online provisioning and deployment of a QuantaStor server on IBM Cloud Bare Metal hardware.
Step One: Identify the QuantaStor solution below that matches your workload. QuantaStor is versatile storage software with capabilities that are divided broadly into scale-up SAN/NAS solutions or scale-out object solutions. Your storage use case, key objectives, performance and/or feature requirements will determine which QuantaStor solution is your best fit. The different Solution choices are given below, while comparative information regarding QuantaStor's workload capabilities are published in the IBM Cloud Solution Matrix.
Step Two: Select and order the hardware needed to build your SDS solution on IBM Cloud Bare Metal. Each Solution below will direct you to a number of reference configurations sized to the QuantaStor license capacity tiers on IBM Cloud. Use the reference configuration specific to your needs to order a Bare Metal Server optimized to your requirements from IBM Cloud. Alternatively, you can use the OSNEXUS Solution Design Tools for IBM Cloud (SAN/NAS Designer or Scale-out Storage Designer) to customize a Bare Metal server to your specifications.
Step Three: Once you have received delivery of your QuantaStor server, follow the solution-specific instructions for the set up and deployment of your new storage appliance according to OSNEXUS best practice guidelines.
For questions regarding the capabilities of QuantaStor or the optimal hardware configurations for your workload, please contact the OSNEXUS Solution Engineering team at sdr@osnexus.com.
QuantaStor Solutions
QuantaStor SAN/NAS servers based on ZFS technology provide block (iSCSI) and file (NFS/SMB) storage for a wide variety of use cases including server virtualization, data analytics, backup storage and databases/OLTP. Hybrid configurations leverage a combination of HDDs and SSDs to provide fast and reliable, storage on cost-efficient hardware. All flash configurations provide ultra-high performance for applications under constant, high-IOPs or throughput load.
QuantaStor Scale-Out Object storage based on Ceph technology provides S3 compatible object storage using erasure-coding and replica-based data distribution technology to achieve high-availability and fault-tolerance.
Scale-out Object Storage Cluster
QuantaStor Dedicated Appliances for VMware storage servers provide VMware certified NFS and iSCSI storage with advanced features including encryption, compression, and remote-replication.
Dedicated SAN/NAS Appliances for VMware
QuantaStor NAS Gateway Appliances can be configured to periodically back-up local NAS storage to IBM Cloud Object Storage as objects or cache metadata as a pure NAS pass-thru gateway to IBM Cloud Object Storage.
Provisioning a QuantaStor Server
QuantaStor on IBM Cloud Bare-Metal is now deployed using ISO image from osnexus.com/downloads, please contact OSNexus Support at support@osnexus.com for assistance.