S3 User Access Key Add

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Add an S3 User Access Key to the selected User.

In QuantaStor, the "S3 User Access Key Add" feature is used to create and add access keys for S3 (Simple Storage Service) users in the S3-compatible object storage environment.

Here's an overview of the purpose and implications of the "S3 User Access Key Add" feature in QuantaStor:

  • Generating access keys: The "S3 User Access Key Add" feature allows administrators or users with appropriate permissions to generate new access keys for S3 users. An access key typically consists of an access key ID and a secret access key.
  • Authentication and API access: Access keys are used by S3 users to authenticate themselves and interact with the S3-compatible object storage service. The generated access keys can be used by the respective S3 users to make API requests, manage buckets, upload or download objects, and perform other operations within the S3 environment.
  • User management: Adding access keys for S3 users helps manage the authentication and authorization of individual users. It allows administrators to control and track user access, set permissions, and monitor S3-related activities on a per-user basis.
  • Security and access control: By generating and adding access keys for S3 users, administrators can enforce secure access to the S3-compatible object storage environment. Access keys provide a means of authentication that can be managed and revoked as needed to ensure proper access control and maintain data security.

It's important to follow best practices for managing access keys, such as securely storing the secret access keys and regularly rotating them for improved security.

Navigation: Security --> S3 Users & Tenants --> S3 Users & Tenants --> Key Manager --> Add Key... (Button)

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