Site Cluster Modify

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Enable data replication, disaster recovery, and high availability.

Site clustering refers to the configuration and management of multiple QuantaStor clusters distributed across different physical locations or sites. The purpose of site clustering is to enable data replication, disaster recovery, and high availability across geographically dispersed sites.

In a site clustering configuration, the primary goals are typically:

  • Data replication: Site clustering allows for the replication of data between clusters located in different sites. This ensures that data is synchronized and available at multiple locations, providing redundancy and data protection against site failures or disasters.
  • Disaster recovery: By replicating data to remote sites, site clustering enables the ability to recover operations quickly in the event of a site-wide failure or disaster. If one site becomes unavailable, applications and users can be seamlessly redirected to an alternative site with minimal downtime.
  • Load balancing: Site clustering can also be used to distribute workloads across multiple sites, optimizing resource utilization and improving performance. By intelligently distributing client requests or data access across sites, site clustering helps balance the load and prevent any single site from becoming overloaded.
  • Failover and failback: In a site clustering configuration, failover mechanisms can be established to automatically redirect client traffic and operations to an alternative site in case of site or cluster failures. Failback mechanisms allow for a smooth transition back to the primary site once it is restored or available again.

Overall, the purpose of site clustering in QuantaStor or similar storage systems is to provide data redundancy, disaster recovery capabilities, and improved availability across multiple geographically distributed sites. This helps ensure business continuity, minimize downtime, and protect against data loss in the event of site failures or disasters.

Navigation: High-availability VIF Management --> Site Clusters --> Site Cluster --> Modify Site Cluster (toolbar)

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