Storage Pool Delete

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In QuantaStor, the "Delete Storage Pool" feature is used to permanently remove a storage pool and all associated data from the system. Deleting a storage pool essentially wipes out the logical container that combines multiple physical disks or disk groups into a single entity.

Caution! When you delete a storage pool all of the storage volumes and network shares which reside in the storage pool will be deleted. Deletion of a storage pool includes a quick format of the devices which zeros the first 10MB of each disk but for secure deletion of data one must select one of the data shredding options like the 4-pass Dod 5220 22-M section 8-306 procedure. The shredding is done at a block level on each disk device and is done concurrently across all disks in the storage pool.

Note: Choosing the Shred Data option can significantly impact time requirements.

The purpose of the "Delete Storage Pool" function is to completely eliminate a storage pool and reclaim the resources it occupies. When a storage pool is deleted, the following actions typically occur:

  • Data removal: All data stored within the storage pool, including virtual disks, volumes, or other storage objects, is permanently erased. This action is irreversible, so it is crucial to ensure that any important data has been properly backed up before deleting a storage pool.
  • Disk reconfiguration: The physical disks or disk groups that were part of the storage pool are released and made available for other purposes. This allows for the reuse of the disks in new storage pools or other storage configurations.
  • Metadata cleanup: The metadata associated with the storage pool, including configuration details and references to the physical disks, is removed from the system. This ensures that there are no remnants or traces of the deleted storage pool left within the QuantaStor environment.

The purpose of the "Delete Storage Pool" feature is to provide administrators with the ability to eliminate unused or obsolete storage pools, thereby optimizing resource utilization and simplifying storage management. However, it is important to exercise caution when using this feature, as deleting a storage pool will result in the permanent loss of all data contained within it. It is advisable to double-check and confirm the necessity of deleting a storage pool and to ensure that all critical data has been appropriately backed up before proceeding with the deletion process.

Navigation: Storage Management --> Storage Pools --> Storage Pool --> Delete (toolbar)

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