Ceph Crush Rule Create

In QuantaStor, the "Create Ceph Redundancy/CRUSH Rule" feature is used to define a redundancy rule or CRUSH (Controlled Replication Under Scalable Hashing) rule for a Ceph storage cluster. CRUSH rules determine how data is distributed and replicated across OSDs (Object Storage Daemons) in the cluster, ensuring fault tolerance and high availability.
The purpose of the "Create Ceph Redundancy/CRUSH Rule" function is to provide administrators with the ability to customize the data placement and replication policies within the Ceph cluster. By creating a redundancy/CRUSH rule, administrators can define how data should be spread across OSDs and specify the desired replication behavior.
Here's a breakdown of the key aspects and benefits of creating a Ceph Redundancy/CRUSH Rule in QuantaStor:
- Data Placement: The CRUSH algorithm determines the placement of data within the Ceph cluster based on the defined redundancy/CRUSH rule. By creating a rule, administrators can specify the ruleset, choose the placement strategy, and define the hierarchy of storage tiers.
- Redundancy and Fault Tolerance: The redundancy/CRUSH rule allows administrators to configure data replication and redundancy. By specifying the desired number of copies or replicas, administrators can ensure that data is replicated across multiple OSDs to provide fault tolerance and data availability.
- Performance Optimization: The CRUSH algorithm and the redundancy/CRUSH rule also help optimize performance by distributing data and workload across OSDs in a balanced manner. By defining the rule based on the cluster's storage architecture and requirements, administrators can achieve optimal data placement and load balancing.
- Customization: QuantaStor provides flexibility in creating custom redundancy/CRUSH rules to match specific storage requirements. Administrators can define the replica count, choose the CRUSH rule type, specify the failure domain hierarchy, and set other parameters to achieve the desired data distribution and replication behavior.
By using the "Create Ceph Redundancy/CRUSH Rule" feature in QuantaStor, administrators can tailor the data placement and replication policies within their Ceph storage cluster, ensuring fault tolerance, high availability, and optimal performance.
Navigation: Scale-out Storage Configuration --> Scale-out Storage Pools --> EC Profiles & Rules --> Create Redunancy Rule (toolbar)
For additional information see Ceph, [CRUSH Maps]