Create Key Server Profile

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Configure the key information.

In QuantaStor, the purpose of creating a key server profile is a configuration or set of parameters that define how encryption keys are managed and distributed within a system. It typically includes details such as key generation methods, key length, key rotation policies, access control rules, and integration with external key management systems.

Configure the key server address, SSL certificates and user credentials for the new key server profile. The key server profile can be used to store encryption keys for storage pools and Ceph clusters.

Here are some potential purposes and benefits of a Key Server Profile:

  • Centralized Key Management: A Key Server Profile enables centralized management of encryption keys. By creating a profile, you can configure QuantaStor to connect to a key management server or service that securely stores and manages the encryption keys used for data protection. This centralization simplifies key management and ensures consistent and secure key handling across the storage environment.
  • Secure Key Distribution: The Key Server Profile allows QuantaStor to establish a connection with the key management server or service, facilitating the secure distribution of encryption keys. This ensures that encryption keys are securely generated, stored, and made available to authorized systems and users when needed for data encryption or decryption.
  • Key Rotation and Expiration: With a Key Server Profile, you can enforce key rotation and expiration policies. The profile allows QuantaStor to interact with the key management server or service to generate new encryption keys and retire old keys according to the defined policies. This helps enhance security by regularly refreshing encryption keys and mitigating the impact of potential key compromise.
  • Compliance and Auditing: By utilizing a Key Server Profile, you can adhere to compliance requirements related to encryption and key management. The profile allows for the use of industry-standard encryption protocols and key management practices, which can help satisfy regulatory obligations. Additionally, the connection with the key management server enables auditing capabilities, allowing you to track key usage and access for compliance purposes.
  • Integration with Encryption Features: QuantaStor may offer encryption features for protecting data at rest or in transit. The Key Server Profile facilitates the integration of these encryption features by providing a standardized and secure method for obtaining encryption keys from a trusted key management server. This ensures that encryption keys are properly managed and utilized within the storage system.

Navigation: Security --> Key Server Profiles --> Key Server --> Create Profile (toolbar)

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