Multi-Factor Authentication Configuration Create

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Multi-Factor Authentication Configuration

Navigation: Users & Groups --> Multi-Factor Authentication --> Create (toolbar)

Multifactor Authentication(MFA) combines four independent credentials. The credentials are Name (which must be unique to the system), API Host, Integration Key, and Secret Key. The goal of MFA is to create a layered defense making it more difficult for an unauthorized person(s) to access the system.

To enable multi-factor authentication using DUO, you must first create a DUO account. You can get a free trial for a DUO beyond account.

Once you have a DUO account set up, log in to the DUO admin dashboard. Click the ‘Applications’ tab and select ‘Protect an application’. In the search bar, search for Auth API and select the ‘Protect this Application link. Now you will be shown your new API hostname, integration key, and secret key. These will be used to create your multi-factor authentication configuration.

MFA Config Create.jpg

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